Adopting change and adapting to it’s common thread
Where do we stand in the world of technology and how it affects the outcome of the world around us. This is a common theme of futurists. Determining what technology holds for the future is like guess work as to what is adopted and what is not.This is a simple and basic perspective on adopting or rejecting technological changeNew technology appears daily, and will continue to appear at an ever faster pace. Testing the various technologies will determine whether or not there is a value added benefit It will also validate whether or not the new technology will be adopted or fall by the wayside. There are various factors that will determine whether or not the technology is adopted quickly or at a proverbial snails pace or at all. One would think it is a simple process of a yes or no however it is not. There are many reasons for why a technology is adopted or whether it is rejected outright. Some of the following will determine whether or not a technological change is adopted or not.Potential issue in technology adoption or rejection:• Corporate Culture will determine implemention• Ability to understand the in-depth parameters toward the changing technology• Plan of action - strategic step by step process for allowing the implementation or rejecting the new technology• Unrealistic time lines• Financial resources will determine the adoption of full or partial aspects (including training, individual and corporate acceptance etc.)• Ability to run a parallel and a preliminary pilot process before any implementation plan is put into action• Current Workloads• Future upgrade considerations, performance enhancements, data modificationsKeep in mind that some barriers and this is not an inclusive listing of potential pitfalls or achievements gained but rather a basic overview for adoption to the new technology. It can be viewed from the perspective that change is inevitable however it does not mean that every change in technology will be adopted nor does it mean that it will be rejected.In summary, there are various rates of change that are commonly adopted ( as a reference point I post the following “ Wikipedia “that refers to the Technology adoption life-cycle. Again I will state that it is only a point of reference there are many more that could be viewed or referenced.